V4B Business Finance

Superfast broadband for all businesses by 2020

Broadband connection

More than 95% of UK households now have access to superfast broadband according to figures released by the Government.

The £1.7 billion Government rollout of superfast broadband to areas deemed “not commercially viable” by industry has so far reached more than 4.5 million UK premises that would otherwise have been left in the connectivity slow lane, the majority of which are in rural areas.

However, despite the rollout benefiting millions, Mike Cherry, national chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) believes more needs to be done to support small businesses.
He said: “While it’s good to see new figures showing the Government has met its superfast broadband coverage target for households, many businesses across the UK still struggle with poor coverage and slow speeds on a daily basis.

“Official figures released just last month from Ofcom show half a million small firms still don’t have access to superfast broadband. This represents 16 per cent of small businesses.

“A decent internet connection and good quality service is vital for businesses to be able to grow, reach new customers and be more productive, as well as embrace new digital technology.”

Plans are underway to address the issue as DCMS Secretary of State, Matt Hancock outlined a scheme to provide everyone with access to high-speed broadband by 2020.

He said: “Over the last five years, the Government’s rollout of superfast broadband has made superfast speeds a reality for more than 4.5 million homes and businesses who would otherwise have missed out. We’ve delivered on our commitment to reach 95% of homes and businesses in the UK, but there’s still more to do in our work building a Britain that’s fit for the future. We’re reaching thousands more premises every single week, and the next commitment is to make affordable, reliable, high speed broadband a legal right to everyone by 2020.”

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