V4B Business Finance

Government offers Brexit advice for UK businesses

Local businesses across the UK will receive tailored advice and support on preparing for Brexit as part of a series of nationwide events launched this week.

Government advisers will be on hand for businesses to ask questions and receive advice on a range of areas where they may need to make changes to get ready for Brexit ahead of 31 October.

The government is encouraging businesses to make sure they are fully prepared, and advice will include the importing and exporting of goods, exporting services, employing EU citizens and businesses that transfer data, and the extra support available in the local area.

The free events will combine an address from senior government officials, advice stands and in-depth sessions to give businesses the information they need to get ready for Brexit.

Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom said:” The UK will be leaving the EU on 31 October and my number one priority is ensuring businesses have the help they need to get ready for Brexit and take advantage of the opportunities beyond.

“The whole of government is stepping up a gear and increasing the pace of our preparations. Businesses have told us that they also want more face to face support and we are listening.

“These local events will provide the advice they need from all relevant government teams in one place. I encourage any business who wants more information about what they need to do to attend.”

The Government is already running its public information campaign, ‘Get Ready for Brexit’, which is showing on television, social media, billboards and other platforms.

It provides advice on:

  • Acquiring an Economic Operator Registration and Identification number to export to the EU. Businesses that are VAT registered will be automatically issued an EORI number, but micro businesses still need to register themselves
  • Obtaining the correct documents to transport goods at the border
  • Applying for vital support packages available for businesses, such as grants

For more information on preparing your business for Brexit, visit https://www.gov.uk/find-eu-exit-guidance-business

On the other side of the continent, the European Commission has published a detailed checklist to help European businesses that trade with the UK to make their final preparations.

It says that to minimise disruption to trade, all parties involved in supply chains with the UK – regardless of where they are based – should be aware of their responsibilities and the necessary formalities in cross-border trade.

Click here to view the European Commission’s checklist https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/brexit-preparedness-communications-checklist_v3_en_0.pdf

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