V4B Business Finance

 Is your business beginning to recover?

It appears that companies are beginning their first steps to business recovery. Unemployment rates are down, investment has begun again, and many are starting to see the first shoots of recovery.

Recovery has different meanings for different businesses, some taking smaller steps than others. But one thing that is the same for everyone, there finally appears to be light at the end of the tunnel.

We all want to ‘get back to normal’. But for some businesses to reach a ‘new normal’ they need to adapt to move forwards. This can mean using different ideas and strategies.


One thing that is certain for all businesses, they must continue to pay tax and VAT bills. This must be part of any business recovery plan going forward. Whether it’s a corporation, personal, or quarterly VAT bill, you must find the funds for it.

We are seeing more businesses asking for information on payment plans for taxes. Keen to free up capital to invest in other areas of the business.

Spreading the cost of these significant expenses into a fixed plan could help you to reach your ‘new normal’ faster than you think.

The HMRC has now stopped deferral payments for VAT bills. However, our personal tax consultants are continuing to offer payment plans for VAT.


The strategic management of cash flow is going to be key over the coming months. It is an area our tax consultants have a lot of experience in.

Using a short-term loan to fund a tax bill not only frees up cash reserves but also removes the burden of dealing with the HMRC as we do it for you. We will pay the HMRC for you, spreading the cost over an agreed number of months.

The process is simple for our clients, all you need to do is provide us with your HMRC reference number.

We can make payment to the HMRC. There are no fees to set up and more important no personal guarantees (up to £150k). We can also cover liabilities over £1 million. Start your business recovery today.


The Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) is also running until December 31st. But don’t think this is the only option. There are other ways that could save even more for your business.

As with every loan application we receive, when you apply for the RLS we assess your situation.

The main aim of the scheme is to improve the terms on offer to businesses. If we can offer you a business loan for the same amount on better terms, without requiring the guarantee, provided by the scheme, we will.

As a broker, we are in the ideal position to find the best funding method to suit your business recovery.

We know that no two businesses are the same. We have access to more than 40 different funders, with direct access to underwriters, and we treat you as an individual.


Supporting businesses and helping you to grow and prosper is our number priority. It’s also one of the reasons we entered this year’s Sky Media SME100 initiative, a £2 million support scheme for small businesses.

Sky launched the initiative because it wanted to help small businesses succeed and stay connected to their customers. It is a huge boost and will allow us to provide support for SMEs requiring business finance.

As part of the Sky Media SME100 initiative, our new TV advert is currently showing on Sky Media. In conjunction with the advert, we are running a competition ‘Reach for the Sky’.

We are giving away a £100 Amazon voucher for the best sky photo. Just email a photo of your favourite sky to enquiries@businessfinance-v4b.com

The competition closes on October 31st, 2021 and we will announce the winner on November 1st.

If you want hassle-free funding to fuel your ambition watch our TV advert HERE


For information on funding for your business contact us for a FREE consultation:

Call 01978 668939

Email enquiries@businessfinance-v4b.co.uk

Website businessfinance-v4b.com

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